Triple R Ranch began in 1960 during the Cuban Missle Crisis as a safe haven for our family outside of major populations between Houston, Austin, and San Antonio.
We offer a low key, relaxed, hunting camp type atmosphere with very comfortable accomodations, a quality hunting experience, and 5 star food.
Animal quality is excellent and affordably priced.
Exotic animal pricing is hunter choice with a fixed price per species. We do not increase price for exceptional animals as this tends to make hunters uncomfortable and defeats the entire purpose----you know the cost before you harvest the animal.
Family groups are encouraged.

Where to find us
2524 Sandy Fork Road Harwood, Texas 78632
We are conveniently located between Austin, San Antonio & Houston in Southeast Caldwell County on Caldwell County Road 151. Turn North on Highway 304 (between Bastrop & Gonzales) off of I-10. Go 6-1/2 miles on 304 to Sandy Fork Road, then left 3 miles to Ranch gate.
50% deposit required. Balance at time of arrival. Please contact us for additional pricing information.